Inactive Servers

A server may become locked and ultimately disbanded if the server activity drops below a certain threshold. The threshold is not disclosed, but it's believed to be 40 active characters.

Signs of an Inactive Server

Check the server leaderboard for the Ultimate Power or Ultimate Hunting event. If the number of players on the leaderboard is lower than 40 active characters, then the server is inactive and at high risk of being disbanded.


When a server is locked,

Note that a server may be locked for a variety of reasons. For example, typically a new server entering its first Burning Expedition season will be temporarily locked. If a server is very crowded, it may also be locked.


When a server is about to be disbanded, the user interface will show a 24-hour notification icon (screenshot) below the Gift Bundle icon.

At the end of the countdown, all Lords and Alliances still remaining in the server will be transferred to an different server by force. Each affected Lord will receive 200 transfer tickets as compensation.

When a Lord is transferred by force,