Burning Expedition

Burning Expedition is a 3-week event that repeats every 4 weeks.


The event is a 3-week, 4-way battle between 4 Factions. Each Faction generally includes 2 to 3 alliances.

Each Faction starts at one corner and gradually expand their territory by claiming buildings (Fortresses, Altares, and Mountain Passes). Factions gain power bonuses when they claim buildings.


The event happens on Broken Land. To enter Broken Land, tap the Horn icon on the top right, then tap the Broken Land icon (map with a sword). Then tap Enter.

Every day each player gets 4 free teleports to enter/exit Broken Land.

General Overview

Every Burning Expedition progresses differently. Here is generally what happen:

On Day 1-3, Factions expand their territory in Zone 1 (Safe Zone) by taking Lv. 1 Fortresses. Each Fortress is guarded by a 100B monster and needs 12 hours of occupation.

On Day 3-4, Factions expand into Zone 2 by taking Lv. 2 Fortresses. Each Fortress is guarded by a 200B monster and needs 2 hours of occupation.

Factions typically try to make NAP. Normally a Faction will split the middle (Zone 3) with a neighboring Faction and fight the middle with the other Faction.

On Day 5 at UTC 1000, each Faction will occupy Lv. 1 Mountain Passes (500B, 6 hours).

At around UTC 1600, Faction will expanding into Zone 3 by occupying Lv. 3 Fortresses (300B. 2 hours).

Factions will fight each other for the middle. The fight can last for several days.

On Day 15 at UTC 1000, each Faction will occupy Lv. 1 Mountain Passes (6 hours occupation).

On Day 15, the dominating Factions can attack their enemy's Lv. 1 Mountain Passes and invade into enemy territory.

On the last day, the dominating Factions battle for the Throne.
