Transfer Application

Some servers may require application for personal or alliance server transfer. A server may require application if (1) the server is very active, or (2) the power of the player/alliance is high comparatively to the destination server.

Transfer Application Process


A player or alliance can submit transfer application at any time (you do not have to wait for the Free Server Transfer period to do it).


After an application is submitted, the top 100 active players in destination server have 48 hours to accept or deny the application. At the end of the 48 hour period, if the application has received at least 60 accepting votes, then the application is approved; otherwise it is denied.


Transfer is neither automatic nor compulsory.. If a transfer application is approved, the approval is valid for 28 days, and the applicant can choose to transfer within that period.


If you would like to transfer to a server that requires application, apply before Free Server Transfer starts so you do not have to wait for 2-days.