Server Configurations

Server configuration can be

Note that Group and Season are independent of one another. Two servers can be in the same Group but in different Seasons. Conversely, two servers can be in the same Season but in different Groups. See Server Differences.


The following is a none-exhaustive list of server configurations based on players' observations. The developer does not release information on server configuration.

Per-unit sales ($) cost of certain items Season-based
Per-unit exchange cost of certain items Season-based
Beginner events Group-based
Server welcome events Group-based
Special events Same for all servers
Locations of Dragon Nests Mostly Group-based
Troop Unit upgrade cost Group-based
Troop Unit power calculation Same for all servers
Academy Tech / Alliance Tech Group-based
Unlock requirements for various features Group-based
Castle Skin / Frame Availability Group-based
Hero Availability Season-based
Hero EXP-Level Upgrade Same for all servers
Hero Star-Level Upgrade Same for all (except G4)
Hero Daily Special Sales Group-based
Hero Calendar Special Sales Group-based
Dragon Quests Group-based
Bounty Hall / Goddess Trial Group-based
Tiers (Weapon, Unit Talent, etc.) Season-based
Mightiest Kingdom rewards Season-based
Broken Land rewards Season-based
Broken Land Treasures Same for all servers
MK / UP point calculation Season-based