Tap4Fun Store

When you make an in-app purchase (purchase through App Store or Google Play), the platform charges a commission fee. If you make a direct purchase, the developer provide you a bonus because there would be no commission fee.

Tap4Fun Store

Go to Tap4Fun Official Store (pay2.tap4fun.com/kg) and sign in with your game ID and in-game name.

When you first sign in, you will receive a gift code for the Mini Titan Avatar Frame

Guard Coin

You can purchase Guard Coins, which is an alternate currency for in-game purchases. Each Guard Coin is equivalent to 1 cent, so 499 Guard Coin = $4.99, 4999 Guard Coin = $49.99, and so on.

You get 10% bonus (= 9% discount) when you purchase Guard Coins.


You can use the store to gift another player. Just sign in with their game ID and in-game name to buy Guard Coins for them.

If you like this site, I would appreciate it if you can make some donation with ID 19341329 and name Kitsune21.