Bounty Hall

  • Success
  • Crit
  • Upgrade
  • Rewards
  • Bounty Hall is one of the first Castle buildings to unlock. For beginning players, it is the best way to earn SSR Heroes and other valuable resources. Follow Bounty Hall Guide to maximize your resource earning.

    Quest Queue

    Quest queue increases when the number of heroes owned reaches 1, 6, 11, 16, 26, 31, 36, and 41. The player can have up to 8 quests.

    Success Rate

    Each hero slot has a recommended Element. The quest success rate increases if your heroes have higher class and match the recommended elements.

    Quest Success Rate
    Hero Matching Non-Matching

    Crit Rate

    If the combined success rates of all heroes used is more than 100%, then the quest has a chance to hit crit for double the rewards.

    Example of Quest with Crit Rate
    Hero Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5
    Matching yes yes no no yes
    Success +30% +30% +20% +20% +25%
    Combined 100% success rate, 25% crit rate


    You can spend 100 gem to double the reward on a successful quest.

    Reward Results

    If a quest is successful, the player can get up to 4× Rewards

    Success Crit Upgrade Rewards
    no 20 gem
    yes no no 1× Rewards
    yes yes no 2× Rewards
    yes no yes 2× Rewards
    yes yes yes 4× Rewards