Rank 4

  • Titles
  • Permissions
  • R4 members help R5 in running the Alliance.

    Titles & Roles

    Generally R4 members lead war efforts. However, not all R4 are fighters; they may be entrusted to the role because they are trustworthy and knowledgeable about the game. To avoid confusion, R5 may appoint R4 to the appropriate positions:

    Title Roles
    Mentor Provide guidance on events and distribute event rewards
    Architect Plan and build Alliance territories
    Diplomat Communicate with other Alliances on pacts
    God/Goddess of War Execute battle plans
    Commander Set and execute battle plans


    R4 has broad powers within the alliance.

    Power Permission
    Transfer alliance to a different server No
    Change alliance tag/name No
    Change member application settings Yes
    Approve/deny member applications Yes
    Promote member to R4 & demote members from R4 No
    Promote member to R2–R3 & demote members from R2–R3 Yes
    Edit alliance notice message Yes
    Send alliance mail Yes
    Construct/delete Central/Expedition Fortresses Yes (Architect only)
    Construct/delete obelisks Yes (Architect only)
    Delete Dragon Nest Yes
    Set/remove alliance marks on maps Yes
    Recall troops from obelisks/Dragon Nests Yes
    Summon Lava Haka Yes
    Start Evil Spirit Invasion Yes
    Make/edit Cross-Server Summon post Yes
    Approve/deny Cross-Server Summon applicants Yes
    Set/remove flags in Lava Cave Yes
    Register alliance events Yes
    Distribute event gifts Yes (Mentor-only)
